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Closures App
Closures App automatically finds your local news channel stations and pulls in your local closings and delays data.
Closures App automatically finds your local news channel stations and pulls in your local closings and delays data.
For a *very* detailed list of supported locations, please vist our locations page.
To find the closings and delays in your area, Closures App needs to know where to look to fetch the data. The mainstream way of knowing what businesses or schools are closed or delayed is by turning on your local news channel, checking their website, or seeing it on social media.
Essentially, Closures App is a news aggregator that specializes in looking for closings and delays on your local news website. This data is then parsed and aggregated to give you the most up-to-date, real-time information; so you're always in the know.
At the moment, we're pulling in data from several different news stations from around the country and constantly expanding. If we don't support your surrounding area, it's most likely because we don't have your local news station in our database just yet.
We've created this form to help us expand faster by knowing what areas are in demand.